Courtesy: mistifiedthemovie.com

Earthpages.org is happy to post Part 1 of a recent interview about the upcoming indie film called Mistified, a story about the Maori living in New Zealand.

Kathy Wilson, producer of the film, has spent much time among the tribes and has dived full-heartedly into making this project a success, not just for them, but for what they stand for; their relations to the earth and spirituality.

Are you excited about getting this campaign off the ground?

I am very excited about getting our Indiegogo campaign off the ground. It is our opportunity to start creating our community, to let people know about our project, and to create the initial funding needed to move the project forward.

Is this film only for the spiritually educated?

Not at all; it is a universal story. I believe we are all spiritually educated, yet some of us might not have learned how to listen to the part of us, the inner guidance, that speaks to us, whether we listen or not.

You seem to be dedicated to this project. How is this different from your past endeavors?

I am a very persistent person when it comes to seeing something through. In my corporate and business life, I have accomplished things I would have never deemed possible.  Although I have questioned my sanity on many occasions in regards to this undertaking, there is something within me that just won’t let it go. At times it seems if I were to listen to the experts and statistics, common sense would say “turn and run.” Yet, for whatever reason, logic is not what is driving this project. I’m not quite sure what it is, but I do know one thing: I will see it through to the end.

What can we learn from watching the film?

How life takes us on unexpected journeys that we could never have predicted. Whether you believe there is a guiding force in your life or not, each road you take can have a purpose for preparing you for the next fork in the road. That sometimes embracing the unknown and having a willingness to go down the rabbit hole just might result an experience beyond your wildest dreams. Life sometimes takes great leaps of faith. Those that learn how to take those leaps, start to find their way through the maze. The trick is not to get stuck in always having to know. Sometimes the power is in not knowing and being open to all possibilities.

How can we be a part of the Mistified community?

We would love for you to go to our website at www.mistifiedthemovie.com and join our community. Our blog will keep you updated on our progress. Please also check out our Indiegogo campaign which is running from Nov. 13th until the middle of Jan. 2014.  We have some amazing “Perks” and all donations are tax deductible.

» Go to Part 2 of the interview.